Aadhaar card has been projected as the most important and the most reliable proof of identity and address for Indian residents. It not only contains the demographic details but also contains the biometric data of the cardholder. The Aadhaar issuing authority, UIDAI, has made provisions to include all residents living in India under this scheme, irrespective of their age. In case of kids below 5 years, Baal Aadhaar card for children is issued which is blue in colour. For minors between 5 years and 15 years, Baal Aadhar card for children is issued that is similar to that of adults. Many hospitals have started to get newborns enrolled for Aadhaar and they provide the Aadhaar acknowledgement slips along with birth certificates these days.
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Aadhaar Card for Children below 5 Years of Age
Before parents go for enrolling their children for Aadhaar, they should read some of the salient features of Baal Aadhar card for children below 5 years of age:
- Aadhaar card can be generated for all children below 5 years including newborns
- These Aadhaar cards are blue in colour and are called Baal Aadhaar card
- No biometrics of the child are taken in this case
- Only the child’s photograph is taken for Aadhaar
- It is compulsory to provide Aadhaar of any one of the parents
- In case both parents don’t have Aadhaar, they have to get enrolled for Aadhaar first
- Once the child is five years old, he has to provide the biometric data of all 10 fingers and iris scan
- The photograph is also taken during the process
- The same process has to be repeated when the child attains the age of 15 years
- No fee is required for any of the services mentioned above
Read More: Baal Aadhaar – Give Your Child the Identity
My nine months old grand daughter born in Dubai. Baby has UAE birth certificate but indian passport. Both the parents are indians having adhar card. is it possible to get Bal adhar for child based on indian passport & parents adhar card
Mam, as your grand-daughter has an Indian passport, you can use it as her proof of date of birth and apply for baal-aadhaar. However, one of the parents and the child needs to stay in India for at least 182 days in the past 1 year to be eligible for Aadhaar. The parent staying in India will have to furnish the Aadhaar card alongwith the form.
My daughter bron in karnataka state the address on her date of birth certificate is my wife address . I want to apply adhar card with my address is there any inputs I have tried ones it is rejected please help
If your daughter is less than 5 years of age, you can apply for her Aadhaar card using your own Aadhaar card. However, in case your daughter is above 5 years of age, you will have to get the birth certificate corrected and then use the same to apply for her Aadhaar card.
I have my daughter of 3 yrs old. Address on birth certificate of my daughter is different than my Adhar address. So can I apply baal adhar as per my adhar card address?
Yes, you can apply for your daughter’s address as per your Aadhaar address.
baal aadhaar card apply online fee?
You cannot apply for baal Aadhaar card online. However, when you apply for an Aadhaar card by visit an Aadhaar enrollment center you are not requiered to pay any fees/charges.
how to update child aadhar card after 5 years online fingerprints and iris scan?
You need to visit an Aadhaar Seva Kendra or Aadhaar Enrollment center to get your child’s biometrics updated in Aadhaar.