In order to reduce the time required in claim settlement and ease the process of withdrawal from the EPF account, the government has come up with a new initiative. Employees can link their Aadhaar with UAN (Universal Account Number) and get their EPF claims processed in as less as 5 days. Earlier, the procedure usually took months to process and the employee had to get the attestation done from the employer.
After the implementation of new rules, employees can fill the “Composite Claims Form” and do away from the employer’s attestation process. This has largely reduced the time taken to settle PF claims. But the claims would be processed in the given time limit only when the applicant fulfills certain conditions. These conditions are as follows:
- The claim has to be filed online at https://unifiedportal-mem.epfindia.gov.in/memberinterface/
- Only those employees who have UAN can apply for PF settlements.
- Employees have to update and get their Aadhaar and bank details approved on the portal to complete the KYC (Know Your Customer) process.
- The current employer has to verify the e-KYC submitted by the employee.
I have done all above things.
but now, am applying for online claim, it asking about BANK ACCOUNT No. (As seeded against UAN) – when i entering the account number, it showing the error as “Bank Account Number does not match within the system.”
i have checked in KYC, it is correct account number
i am not able to update my adhar no in epfo account. showing error is your name , date of birth and gender not match with your register data. why??
HI Ambuj,
Your employer or previous employer has to verify your aadhar number.
Nothing will work
I have done all above things.
I have left job and applied online claim its 35 days and showa Under process.
What the prblm dont know.
Previously i am worked on company.Now i am working new company in diferent state.But my previous company not update my adhar in epf.Now i update in online .20 days over but still is pending what can i do
You can update the aadhar card through umang mobile app.
Is pan card mandatory for the claim