Previously there was no capping on accelerated reward earning. However, post 20 April 2024, travel spends up to Rs. 2 Lakh can earn higher rewards. Despite the capping, most users would be able to maximize the accelerated rewards feature by keeping their travel spends within the 2 Lakh limit. When making travel booking via Axis Bank’s Travel Edge Platform, cardholders can get a value of Rs. 1 for each EDGE Mile, which is equivalent to premium cards like HDFC Infinia and HDFC Diners Club Black. However, as miles transfer partners are now divided into Group A and Group B, it might be difficult for some users to get the best value out of the card. For example, if you prefer Singapore Airlines, you would be able to transfer only 30,000 EDGE Miles in a year, even if you have accumulated more EDGE Miles. Also, if most of your preferred brands fall in Group A, you would find it difficult to maximize Atlas’ travel benefit.