ICICI Bank account number is a unique 12-digit number provided by the bank to its customers for carrying out all types of banking and financial transactions. This bank account number is also required for carrying out all interbank fund transfers whether online or offline.
ICICI Bank Account Number
ICICI Bank offers it’s saving account holders a unique feature of selecting an account number of their own choice. So choose, avail and enjoy the lucky number by incorporating in your bank account number. The customer who wants to avail the ‘choice of account number’ facility provided by ICICI Bank has to agree to the specific terms and conditions defined by the bank. The terms and conditions for ICICI’s ‘choice of account number’ savings account are as follows:

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- The ICICI Bank account number is a 12-digit number.
- The customer gets to choose only the last 6-digits of the account number.
- The customer shall be provided with the choice of account number depending upon the availability of requested account number.
- An application has to be filled and submitted by the customer for availing the ‘choice of account number’
- On receipt of such application, the bank will confirm the availability of the requested account number.
- If the requested choice of the account number is available, then it will be blocked for the customer for 7 days. This 7 days timeframe is provided to complete the account opening procedure.
- If the account opening procedure is not completed within the stipulated time then the requested choice of account number will be unblocked and open for others to choose.
- If the customer wishes to avail the same number a new application has to be submitted again.
- An important point to be noted here is that this facility is available to any local customer given that he opens a savings account in ICICI with a pre-condition of having an average minimum balance of Rs. 25,000 or more.
ICICI Bank account number is associated with many types of accounts offered by the bank namely:
- Saving account
- Current account
- Loan account
- Salary account
- Pension account, etc.

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As there are different types of accounts offered by ICICI Bank, so naturally you will have many unique bank account numbers for each type of account you hold. For example, if you have a salary account, housing loan and vehicle loan availed from ICICI Bank then you will have three distinct bank account numbers for all of these accounts respectively. All these distinct bank account numbers are mapped to a single unique Customer Identification Number, which is unique for every person, as this gives both the customer and the bank a consolidated view of all of his/her accounts.
Thus, above is the procedure in which you can avail bank account number of your choice in ICICI Bank.