Anyone who wishes to take a loan, to meet their short or long term goals, has to fulfill the eligibility criteria set by the banks or any other financial institution. Other than general criteria like age and income, CIBIL or credit score is something that every money lender checks. CIBIL or the Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited provides credit score to an individual that defines his/her credit worthiness. In order words, the 3 digit CIBIL score, which ranges from 300 to 900, provides an idea whether you will be able to pay back the loan amount with interest on time. This credit score is based on the assessment of one’s financial position and previous credit history. This information is collected by CIBIL from partner banks.
In order to get a loan easily and at a considerate rate of interest, one must possess a good credit score. High credit scorers as perceived as low-risk customers who also get favorable deals like lower rate of interest and higher loan amount.