Trademark registration is protecting ownership and brand name of an entity. A trademark holds sign, expression, symbol, design and expression that identifies product/service and makes it unique or different from others. Trademark marks a unique identity that makes a specific product or service stand out from the rest. This unique identity can be anything like letter, number, monogram, 3D sign, alphabet, device, phrase, logo, symbol, graphic, picture, word, sound, smell, colour, etc.
Trademark registration is majorly used for brand, logo and name registration by businesses. Any identity that is not trademarked can be used or copied by others for their own business or brands. Registered trademark acts as a protective layer of company’s assets.
Trademark registration provides the right to sue the individual, entrepreneur, business, enterprise, organization or entity who copies a trademarked product or service. No one has the right to use the same trademark as used by its owner. Trademark registration is opted for mainly business purposes and can be used by entrepreneurs, business owners, firms, private and public limited companies, LLPs and NGOs. After trademark registration, ‘R’ symbol can be used with the product as a notice for public that this specific product is trademarked.