Credit Card is one of the most important financial tools that helps in carrying out your daily transactions like paying utility bills, mobile bills, buying groceries and more. One of the important things to remember while using credit cards is to pay the outstanding dues on time. If in case you forget to pay the bill on time, you will have to pay the late payment fee along with the associated interest. Even a single missed payment can have a negative impact on your credit score
Here we will discuss the most important aspects of paying credit card bills. But before that let us delve deeper to find out how a credit card payment cycle works.
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How payment due date and interest-free period work?
Credit card bills are cyclical so a new bill gets generated every month and it reflects all the purchases made since the last bill was generated. The payment due date is set 21-25 days after the date of bill generation and in this way, you can enjoy an ‘interest-free period’ of about 45-50 days.
Let us understand this with the help of an example.
Suppose your SBI credit card bill payment is due on 25th August and your bill was generated on 4th August. This means your previous bill was generated on 4th July; any purchases or payments that you made on the credit card after this date will be included in the next bill and the payment will be due on 25th August. So, the period from 4th July to 25th August is your interest-free period as you are required to pay the entire outstanding amount on 25th August.
Now, let’s say you purchased an appliance on 6th July. The interest-free period on this item will be of complete 50 days. You made another purchase on 30th July and on this you will enjoy an interest-free period of 26 days only.
Bill generated on 13th dec. Due date is 03rd jan 2021. No outstanding dues. Purchased on 17th dec. Next billing date is 13th jan 2021. That means I have to pay before 3rd feb2021. Am I right. Please advise.
Thank you
Yes, you are right. The purchase made after completion of your previous billing cycle has to be paid after the next statement has been generated.
I have a question, suppose my credit card bill is 1,00,000 and my due date is on 12th of Nov and I made the 1 lakh payment in part 25,000 on 1st of Nov 50,000 on 5th of nov and remaining on 11th of Nov. Will this create any difference due I have to update to credit card company on this??
Kindly suggest