A credit card is a great financial tool that helps you manage your finances, earn rewards, build credit and more. But what happens when due to certain reasons or for financial stability, you decide to limit your credit card spending? On one hand, putting a limit on your spending and not using your credit card can be a good way to avoid overspending but it is significant to understand what inactivity does to your credit card?
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I got sbi credit card 4 year back,missplaced it so next day i blocked it. Never asked and Never get replacement card so i Never used the card even so they deduct money from my account every year. How to make it stop doing that.
Usually, replacement cards are issued within 7 to 21 working days, after blocking a certain card. However, in your case we advise you to contact SBI Credit Card Customer Care at 1800 180 1290 or 1860 500 1290 for further clarification.