A credit card is a great financial tool that helps you manage your finances, earn rewards, build credit and more. But what happens when due to certain reasons or for financial stability, you decide to limit your credit card spending? On one hand, putting a limit on your spending and not using your credit card can be a good way to avoid overspending but it is significant to understand what inactivity does to your credit card?
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I stopped using my Kotak Credit Card in 2014 and ever since I have not paid the dues. When I checked my CBIL score recently, I still had a overdue of 23k and my credit score was negative. I no longer have the card with me and it is not active. Can I pay the overdue amount and close the account so that my credit score improves. Please advise.
Hi Anil,
Yes, you should pay the overdue amount on your card as soon as possible. Non-payment will lead to further charges which will be added to your outstanding balance. Once you pay off your bills in full, your credit score will gradually improve over a period of 2-3 months.
Hi. I got myself a credit card but later I realized that I dont need one. Then I did not generate the pin and never used the card. Its been a year now. But today I got a message about the amount which is going to be debited from my a/c on 13th Oct. (I,e around 3k) I have deactivated the card but do I have to pay the amount?
Hi Priya Randhir,
You may have been charged the annual fee of the card as it is applicable irrespective of whether you have used the credit card or not. If the amount has been billed, you must pay it as soon as possible in order to avoid any late payment charges or finance charges. For further assistance in this matter, please speak with the customer care department of the card-issuing bank or NFBC.
I have not used my credit card since it has been given(4years) and while giving they told it was life time free credit card like that but from this year Jan I’m continuously getting msg like credit card bill payment pending and monthly they are increasing the amount around 600/-( now pending bill is around 3500) and also there is no account has been linked to it previously linked account has been closed(salary accounts). Like this two credit cards are there from same ICICI bank when I asked to bank regarding this they are telling like 2 credit cards have been linked and after paying bills you can close like that. Anyone please suggest what to do…
Thank you
How can I change my mobile number registered with credit card?
Hi Jo,
Different card issuers have different procedures for updating the registered mobile number. You should check whether your bank/NBFC allows mobile number update via net banking or mobile app. You can also call on the customer care number or visit the nearest branch for more details.
I am not using my Tata credit card for 10 years, all dues were paid 10 years back. i was not getting any statement for 5-6 years and i thought my credit card becomes inoperative.
but suddenly 3 years back i got statement with Rs. 500 maintenance charge, i never saw that because it was on my old email account. today that amount is Rs. 5000 with penalties over it.
Do i have to pay this amount to tata card, is it legal to charge annual fee on inoperative credit card account?
Hi Saurabh,
Unless you get your credit card account closed, it will remain active and annual charges will be levied as applicable, even if you do not use the card. If you wish to close this account, you will be required to clear the bill.
Also, if you are certain that you will never use this credit card, it is recommended to clear the bills and close the account as soon as possible in order to avoid any more penalties.