In spite using your credit card responsibly, you might end up making a mistake by ordering the wrong item or you can purchase something that turned out to be different. Keeping this in mind, you should always be able to apply for a credit card refund regardless of the benefits. It is a process under which your account gets credited back for the purchased amount. Read on to know how credit card refunds work.
Hi sir/madam
i have swiped 9237/- from HDFC credit card and in merchandise EDC machine it shows debited once and reversed once . and it has been deducted twice and in statement it shows once debited. to whom i should ask for reversal amount.
Hi Venkatesh,
Please contact HDFC Customer Support on (STD/Local Code) 6160 6161. You can find other numbers to reach the bank on this link- https://www.paisabazaar.com/hdfc-bank/credit-card-customer-care-number/
I have purchased a product, and the bill got generated. Now i have 10 days time for the payment and the refund is expected in 3-4 days.. Where will the refund reflect if it comes before the payment of the bill?
Hi Nazia,
The amount refunded will be added to your credit limit. Since your bill is already generated, you can deduct the refunded amount from the total bill and pay the balance (if you receive the refund before the due date). However, you must speak with your card issuer to get more clarity on this.
I have purchased a mobile from Amazon on emi no cost by using my sbi credit card. Total amount of mobile has been deducted from my credit card. SMS has been got confirmation for emi no cost. Mam I would like to know know the total deducted amount will credit or refund because of emi.
Hi Nameirakpam,
Even when you make purchases on EMI, the total cost of the item is deducted from your credit limit. As you pay the EMIs, the amount will keep adding to your credit limit.