In spite using your credit card responsibly, you might end up making a mistake by ordering the wrong item or you can purchase something that turned out to be different. Keeping this in mind, you should always be able to apply for a credit card refund regardless of the benefits. It is a process under which your account gets credited back for the purchased amount. Read on to know how credit card refunds work.
What is a Credit Card Refund?
Whenever you make a purchase using your credit card, your transaction gets approved by the credit card issuers. Similarly, if you want to return an item, your return request will get verified by your card issuer to initiate a refund. In credit cards, if you raise a return or refund request, you won’t be able to receive the amount in cash. You will receive a credit on your account that is equal to the purchased amount.
Overall, a credit card refund basically means raising a request to return an item purchased via your credit card. In such cases, you will get a refund as a credit on your credit card account.
How do Credit Card Refunds Work?
It is important to understand how a credit card purchase works to understand the refund process. Whenever you make a purchase through your credit card, the credit card issuer is the one who pays for your purchase. Then, the amount gets deducted from the available credit limit after your card issuer approves the transaction. After this, you pay your credit card issuer back the amount and it gets added to your current credit limit.
Credit card networks are the companies that act as a layer between your credit card issuer and the merchants. The credit card network is responsible for processing your transactions. Similarly, when you initiate a refund request, the merchant sends your request to your card issuer before crediting the amount. Once your request gets approved by your card issuer, the merchant initiates your refund.
Suggested read: How Does a Credit Card Work?
How Do Refunds Work in Case of Credit Card EMIs?
When you purchase an item using a credit card and create EMI for it directly from the website, the refund procedure may be a bit complicated. Usually, it takes about a day for the card issuer/ NBFC to convert the transaction into an EMI. Considering this, there may be two scenarios:
- When you cancel the order before EMI is created by the card issuer
- When you send the return/ cancellation request after EMI is created on the card
In the first scenario, we have taken into account an immediate cancellation of the transaction under which the amount is immediately refunded back into your credit card account.
Whereas, in the second scenario, EMI and the amortization schedule have already been created and shared with you via email/ SMS. In this case, you will have to pay an extra charge for cancellation (foreclosure) of the EMI which is charged as a percentage of the total amount.
You may also choose to keep the EMI active which is to be paid every month. Since the transaction amount will be refunded by the merchant into your credit card account, the debit and credit will nullify it. However, you will still be paying a little extra in the form of interest on EMI and GST. No Cost EMI transactions do not attract charges in case of foreclosure/ cancellation.
Also read: Should You Convert Credit Card Purchases into EMIs?
How Do Refunds Work in Case of Foreign Currency Transactions?
When it comes to transactions in foreign currencies, the refund procedure is mostly the same. The processing may take longer. However, you will be stuck with the foreign transaction fee (1.99% – 3.5% of the transaction amount) as it is charged by the card issuer. In some cases, the card issuer/ NBFC may return the fee especially when the refund is initiated immediately and the currency values do not change in the meantime.
What happens to the Reward Points in case of Credit Card Refunds? |
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How Long do Credit Card Refunds Take?
Whether you can return the items or not depends on the store or the website from where you have purchased them. The refund processing time is affected by the selling company’s policies and also by the credit card issuers. Generally, most of the online stores take up to 7-10 business days for a refund to reflect in your account, whereas some may process it within 3 days or even immediately.
Given below is the credit card to credit card refund processing time for some popular e-commerce websites. They initiate the refund as soon as they receive the returned item but the processing time is shared keeping in view the usual time taken by the card-issuing bank or NBFC:
Online Shopping Website | Refund Processing Time Frame |
Amazon | 3-5 Business Days |
Flipkart | 7-15 Business Days |
Myntra | 7-10 Business Days |
Nykaa | 7-10 Business Days |
Why do Credit Card Refunds Take Time?
As mentioned above that the return request needs to be approved by your card issuer, therefore, it takes up to several days to process your refund. This is what takes place behind the scenes:
- The merchant makes a return request through the payment gateway
- The gateway shares this information with the acquiring bank (the bank in which the merchant has an account)
- The acquiring bank communicates this to the issuing bank (the credit card issuer/ NBFC)
- The issuing bank then accepts this request and processes the refund
- After this, the amount is credited to your credit card account
Because information travels through multiple channels in case of a refund and each of these parties has its own processing mechanisms, it takes up to 7-10 business days for the amount to be credited into your credit card account.
How is a Refund Reflected in the Credit Card Statement?
Refunds are shown as credits in your credit card statement. An important point to note here is that if you initiate the return after your billing period ends and you have incurred certain charges and taxes on the transaction, the refund would not offset these charges.
Also, if your bill is generated before the refund is processed, the transaction amount will show as a debit and will be included in your outstanding amount. If the refund is credited before the due date of payment, you can deduct the refund amount from the total amount due and pay the remaining outstanding amount.
Let us understand this through an example:
Suppose you purchased an item worth Rs. 5,000, returned it and a refund has been initiated on September 5. Your statement date is September 7 and the refund does not reflect in your account, in the meantime, your bill is generated. The total amount due is Rs. 20,000. The due date for payment is September 25 and the refund initiated previously is credited on September 10. In this case, you can pay only Rs. 15,000 (after deducting the refunded amount).
Refunds, especially those of huge amounts, take a lot of patience on your part. You can stay on top of the updates by checking your account regularly. You can also call the credit card issuer to get regular updates.
Read in detail about Credit Card Statement
What to do in Case of Delayed Refunds?
The most common question asked by our reader is what to do in case of a delayed refund if the statement has already been generated (including the previous purchase amount). There can be two scenarios under this:
Refund received after statement generation but before bill due date:
Let’s consider a purchase of Rs. 5,000 made on September 1 and you placed a refund request on September 3. Though the refund has been initiated, it has not been credited into your account until September 10. However, your credit card statement is already generated for the period on September 6 and it includes a debit of Rs. 5,000 (for which you already initiated the refund request).
Now, you have already received the refund amount on September 10 and considering your bill due date will be September 25. In this case, most of the card issuers would advise you to deduct the refund amount from your total outstanding and pay the rest. For example, if the bill was Rs. 20,000, you should only pay Rs. 15,000.
We suggest you must contact your credit card provider for a better understanding of the situation as the terms and conditions may vary from one card issuer to another.
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Refund delayed but bill paid in full:
In the above example, let us assume you paid the bill of Rs. 20,000 in full. In this case, the refund of Rs. 5,000 received will be shown as a credit in the next statement (as in the previous example) but it will be an extra credit as you already paid for this in your previous bill. So, Rs. 5,000 will be added to your current credit limit. This amount may be adjusted against your future purchases.
For example, you made a total purchase of Rs. 15,000 in the next billing cycle but your bill will be generated for only Rs. 10,000 as you had Rs. 5,000 extra in your credit card account.
Some card issuers may agree to refund the excess credit back to your bank account. However, this is subject to multiple terms and conditions. You must contact the customer support cell of your card issuer to get more clarity on credit balance refund. However, even if a refund is not possible, it will be added to your available credit limit and your future purchases can be adjusted against it.
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Using credit cards definitely rewards you with a host of benefits, such as cashback, reward points and more. However, it is not as easy to get your money back as spending it with credit cards. Getting your money back with credit card purchases takes longer as compared to the debit card or cash transactions. This is because your return request needs to get approved by your card issuers in order to initiate a refund. This might also happen that you owe the money on the credit card balance while waiting for your refund to get processed. We hope that our article will help you to understand how credit card returns and refunds work.
I just tried to buy an an AC from using my RBL credit card. I just bought it using emi facility. then i thought of cancelling the purchase of AC. accordingly i cancelled the purchase. 30000/- initially gone from my credit card and it reflected back by amazon in my credit card. but emi is shown on my statement.why
Hi Libison K B,
By the time you cancelled your order, it seems the transaction was already converted into EMI. In such cases, the EMIs will be included in your bill. You should call your credit card issuer to get a better understanding on this and how this EMI can be cancelled. Certain charges may also apply.
I mistakenly transferred 21000 from my axis bank account to ICICI credit card, it was actually intended for my citi bank credit card. Is there a way to reverse the transfer
Hi Omair,
You must speak to ICICI Credit Card Customer Care and request a credit balance refund. However, even if such refund is not possible, the wrongly credited amount will be added on to your available credit limit and you can adjust the same against future purchases.
Hello Rupanshi,
My doubt is, can i withdraw that refund amount as cash(after it will show in my statement as extra credit amount) instead of using it on further online transactions?
I hope you understood it.
Hi Aman,
If you withdraw cash from your credit card, it incurs interest (finance charges) from the day of the transaction as cash withdrawals are not eligible for the interest-free period (unless your card terms state otherwise). So, even though your card has extra credit, the transaction marked as ‘ATM withdrawal’ will carry interest until it is paid off in full. The withdrawal will also be subject to your cash limit so you may not be in a position to withdraw the entire amount.
Thanks. That’s really informative.
Hi team,
I booked my flight tickets 2 months back using my credit card. And the tickets were costly. They were reflected correctly in my bills and i paid by bills on time.
Now, due to COVID-19, they flights are cancelled and they airlines are ready to process the refunds to my credit card. They said, they can only refund to original source. Is it possible to transfer outstanding credit from credit card to bank account? As the amount is big, it wont make sense for the outstanding credit to be availale in my credit card as it would take long time for me to spend that complete amount.
Is there any way to get this amount back to bank without any extra charges?
Hi Parth,
The terms and conditions related to credit balance transfer differ from one card issuer to another. For further clarification on this. you may contact your card issuer.
The good news here is you have received full refund into your credit card account and it has been added on to your available credit limit. So even if you do not get a refund into your bank account, you can adjust the same against your future purchases.