Credit cards are not just about making big purchases and paying them off in EMIs. Rewards and cashback are also important parts of credit cards. Lately, credit card reward programs have become more popular than ever. The more you spend the more reward points you will collect. But most of us find them too complicated to understand. Being a smart user, you must know how to strategize the use of your credit cards in order to make the most of these reward programs. Most of the credit cards have a reward points system that allows you to redeem your reward points against varieties of categories like Air Miles, flight bookings, e-vouchers, products from rewards catalogue and much more. To make the most out of your credit card reward points, you need to consider the points mentioned below.
Credit card reward points are the returns on the money you spend on your credit card. These are offered for a specified amount you spend, for instance, 2 reward points for every 100. Different credit cards offer varying reward rates, across specific or multiple categories, brands, etc. The reward offered may also vary as per the transaction type, such as offline and online spends. How Credit Card Reward Points Work | How to Earn Reward Points | Best Rewards Credit Cards in India |
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Video: How to Maximize Credit Card Reward Points?
Note: Details mentioned in the video have been sourced from the issuer’s website as of September 2024. For updated information, refer to this page.