If you are an SBI Credit Card user, you may want to close or block your credit card in certain circumstances. However, one must understand that blocking and closing a credit card are two separate things, done for different purposes.
Blocking a credit card, means temporarily restricting your card usage, to save it from fraudulent or unauthorized transactions. You should consider blocking your SBI credit card immediately in case of loss or theft. Unlike credit card closure, blocking a card has no impact on your credit score, since your credit card is temporarily blocked, without any impact on the card account.
On the other hand, closing a credit card means permanently closing or canceling a credit card account with the issuer. You may want to close your SBI Credit Card, if you are an existing user not satisfied with the card features. Additionally, you may also consider credit card closure if you rarely use your credit card, and it attracts a high annual fee. However, you must keep in mind that closing a card may also impact your credit score temporarily.
On this page, we have covered important details about credit card blockage and closure, steps to close and block a SBI credit card, and important things to keep in mind.
How to Block SBI Credit Card | How to Close SBI Credit Card |
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