Lifestyle cards are specifically meant to reward an individual’s various lifestyle expenditures when using the card. Lifestyle cards not only reward your lifestyle expenses but also help you save money when you shopping. You receive special and customized discount deals from the card issuer’s channel partners and also accumulate reward points that may be adjusted against credit card balance or redeemed in lieu of various gifts featured in the card issuer’s rewards catalog.
Axis Bank My Zone credit card:
This credit card ensures that your entertainment experience is even more rewarding. You can receive special weekend offers on dining and shopping with the opportunity to earn whopping 10X rewards on specific categories. It also provides 5% cash back on two categories such as utility bills, super markets, dining, fuel expenses etc. as per the choice of the user.
America Express Gold credit card:
This card provides unmatched flexibility to its customers. Apart from providing add on discounts on holidays and flight tickets on, you get the additional flexibility of choosing your spending limit on the primary as well as any supplementary cards linked to the credit card account. You may also be eligible to receive complimentary add-on cards for family members.
Axis Bank Signature credit card:
The card is meant for people who want to enjoy their life to the fullest while being rewarded for such expenditures. This card is packed with features such as international concierge services, complimentary insurance cover, Taj Epicure Plan Membership, access to international lounges etc that make this card irresistible.
HDFC Bank Diners Club Premium credit card:
This card is one of the leading premium lifestyle credit cards and offers benefits to its users ranging from airport lounge access, golf lessons and complimentary accident cover. Card holder also gets access to international concierge services, zero lost card liability cover and fuel surcharge waiver.
HDFC Bank Diners Club Black credit card:
This card is embedded with travel and lifestyle benefits with uncompromising protection. You can earn double reward points on booking flight tickets and making hotel reservations. Card holder gets complimentary access to international lounges, dedicated concierge services and golf programs.
Quick Check: Compare Credit Card as per Your Spending Habits & Lifestyle
Standard Chartered Inner Circle Platinum credit card:
There is no annual fee for this card while customer can earn 9X reward points on shopping at Inner Circle program affiliated stores such as Lifestyle and Home Centre.
IndusInd Bank Chelsea FC credit card:
The card comes with a wide array of lifestyle benefits including dining, shopping and travel deals. As a Chelsea club fan, card holder gets unmatched discounts on merchandise from the Chelsea FC online megastore.
RBL Delhi Daredevils Platinum credit card:
As a privileged Delhi Daredevils fan, the card holder gets to enjoy unmatched perks ranging from party invites to seat reservations. Customer earns runs and wickets by making expenditures on this card, which may be exchanged for a variety of rewards and benefits.
Take a look at the list of Best Credit Cards in India to explore more options.