Missing credit card payments repeatedly could mark you as a credit card defaulter and can impact your financial withstanding. Defaulting on your credit card payments could be either due to circumstances beyond the control or unintentionally missed payments.
Loss of a job, medical crisis, or business failure are some of the reasons when, even a seemingly manageable debt such as credit cards, goes out of control. In fact, credit card debts are usually the first to get out of hand in such situations due to hefty finance charges, late payment charges, and other penalties. Alternatively, forgotten due dates or cash flow issues may lead to unintentionally missed credit card payments. But what happens when this continues for months? Here we will talk about what counts as credit card default and the circumstances you are likely to face when you default on your cards.
I have setteled two credit card due to unemployement in 2014. Now my job is stable and my credit score shown 850+. I have applied for a personal loand in HDFC Bank. One of the stteled credit card was from HDFC. Will HDFC bank provide the personal loan?
Hello Aadi
There is a good chance that HDFC Bank will provide you with a personal loan based solely on your credit score. However, you must also meet the bank’s other eligibility criteria as well in order to successfully avail the loan.
Hi, I have a credit card with the limit 40000 and took it in the year 2018 and after I did not pay any due for 6 months except 1400 minimum due which I paid after the first month. Then after 6 months I paid 10000 and then 6 months after paying that amount 27000 and in between I paid 1400 twice. And then now, I want to pay the full amount of 55219 but If I pay that will I get any loans in future or should I go for the settle ment?
Hello Vinay
We suggest that you pay off the full due amount and not go for a settlement. If you apply for a settlement then you will seriously impair your credit score which can take years to recover from. Also, your credit report will reflect this settlement on it for years to come. This will detract banks from providing you with any form of credit in the future.
How can I close my credit card & get rid of fines imposed by axis bank.
Hello Manoj Pradhan
Before you close your credit card account you must pay off all the dues on the credit card. This includes fines, outstanding amount, fees and charges and so on. Once you have paid off the entire due amount you may contact Axis Bank credit card customer care center. The numbers are 1-860-419-5555 or 1-860-500-5555. The representative will confirm your identity by asking some questions. He/she may then ask you to cut your credit card and post it to them to close your credit card account.
Hi I have been not paid my dues since last 10 years because of financial deficulties and I also forgot my card number the amount at that time was around 24k what should I do now and how much I will have to pay if I want clear my debt, please suggest
Hello Mr Kumar
We suggest that you get in touch with the bank that issued you the credit card. They will let you know all the details, including card number, of your credit card account. Also, try to clear the outstanding amount as soon as possible.
I had a sbi credit card which I closed after paying all the dues. However, after 9 year I saw 145,80 outstanding amount on CreditMantri. I forgot the card number also what should I do, please suggest, how can I get that card no.
Hello Arvind Kala
You can get in touch with SBI Cards if you want to know the credit card number. Also, don’t worry about what other sites tell you about your credit card bills. SBI Card would have contacted you if there would have been any unpaid amount on the card account.