Missing credit card payments repeatedly could mark you as a credit card defaulter and can impact your financial withstanding. Defaulting on your credit card payments could be either due to circumstances beyond the control or unintentionally missed payments.
Loss of a job, medical crisis, or business failure are some of the reasons when, even a seemingly manageable debt such as credit cards, goes out of control. In fact, credit card debts are usually the first to get out of hand in such situations due to hefty finance charges, late payment charges, and other penalties. Alternatively, forgotten due dates or cash flow issues may lead to unintentionally missed credit card payments. But what happens when this continues for months? Here we will talk about what counts as credit card default and the circumstances you are likely to face when you default on your cards.
Hi – I had SBI and Kotak credit card in 2015. I was not able to pay bills and I opted settlement on SBI card (90k) and I had not paid Kotak Card dues until Dec’20. I have recently paid all overdue amount. Can I apply for a personal loan now? As per Experian credit by score is 790 and CBIL 720.
Also, can I apply for SBI credit card against Fixed deposit.
I have a personal loan & credit card loan with HDFC bank. I had excellent track record of loan repayments. Now due to financial crisis i am not in a position to pay the loan at this moments, but able to pay gradually after one year on wards. Bank sent legal notice over e mail. I need not borrow money in future, so CIBIL score is not matter for me. Now what to do for best solution? please guide me.
A few months before a fraud transaction was carried out on my axis bank credit card. I have lodged the complaint with the bank but the bank did not reverse that amount. It said that the transaction was carried out using OTP so the bank is not responsible for it. So now I have to pay that amount. I got a call from the collection department for settlement. If I agree to do the settlement, will I be eligible for a loan in the future?
Hello Prince,
Unfortunately, if you authorised the transaction by providing the OTP then you will have to bear the amount. You may, however; check whether you were informed about the said transaction or not. If you were not informed then you can inform the bank about the same and take legal action if necessary.
If it turns out that you were informed about the transaction then we suggest you pay off the amount instead of settling. This is because settling will severely drop your credit score. Banks usually do not give loans to applicants with a low credit score. And, if they grant you a loan then they will charge a higher interest rate for the same.
I have a credit-card of hdfc . Took this in 2013 when I was in kerala. Have done the last payment on 9th Feb 2018 and the pending amount became zero. After that I didn’t use that card and I have moved to other location . But now i can see in cibil report that there were some pending charges and tha bank has been written off it and the card details are disappear from my account. Recently I tried to apply a personal loan but due to cibil score it got rejected. Please help me on this .
Hello Devendar
You can contact HDFC Bank customer care cell to verify whether a mistake was made at their end. If not, you can contact CIBIL and rectify the error. If the bank or credit bureau fails to address the issue then you will have to improve your credit score. If you do not have any active loans or credit cards then we suggest you get a credit card and make regular payments against it. Over time, your credit score will improve allowing you to apply for a loan.
I have a credit card of SBI and the card has been waived off since I could not pay the amount as I lost my job. Currently I am unemployed. If I pay the full amount of the card or make a settlement then will the card get active for further use or they won’t allow me to use the card further and it would be deactive
Hello Chiranjit Sinha
We will suggest that you pay off the entire outstanding amount instead of making a settlement. As settlement will gravely affect your credit score, recovery from which might take years. The decision to activate or deactivate your credit card rests with SBI Card. They may or may not activate your card based on their risk perception, credit history and so on.