Missing credit card payments repeatedly could mark you as a credit card defaulter and can impact your financial withstanding. Defaulting on your credit card payments could be either due to circumstances beyond the control or unintentionally missed payments.
Loss of a job, medical crisis, or business failure are some of the reasons when, even a seemingly manageable debt such as credit cards, goes out of control. In fact, credit card debts are usually the first to get out of hand in such situations due to hefty finance charges, late payment charges, and other penalties. Alternatively, forgotten due dates or cash flow issues may lead to unintentionally missed credit card payments. But what happens when this continues for months? Here we will talk about what counts as credit card default and the circumstances you are likely to face when you default on your cards.
Since I lost job and unable to pay credit card payment icici bank persons are coming to home asking money. but still I cannot pay till I get the job.can I get any suggestion
If you cannot afford to pay your credit card dues in full, you can request your bank to convert your total dues into EMIs. This way, you can make smaller payments per month using your savings, until your cashflow is improved. Alternatively, you can get in touch with your provider, to seek a moratorium or relaxation on the payment structure.
I was given credit card by sale representative with information that particular SBI card has no fees or membership charges ,but due to my shock I got my first bill specifying charges .I was shocked and embarrassed so I spoke with card company they rudely warned me of consequences . I told them to take Rs1000 to avoid embarrassment but it did not stop. They are warned me that they will freeze my bank account and fixed deposits etc etc . Please advice is it possible to freeze accounts in bank
The SBI bank account is opened with State Bank of India, while the cards are issued by a separate company named SBI Cards & Payment Services Ltd. So, for queries regarding your card bill, you may contact the SBI Card customer care by calling on 1860 500 1290, 1860 180 1290 or 1800 180 1290 (toll-free). To inquire about your SBI bank account and fixed deposit, you may contact the bank by calling on toll-free numbers- 1800 1234, 1800 2100, 1800 11 2211, 1800 425 3800 or 080-26599990.
I couldnt pay my citibank credit card bill due to poor financial conditions. Its pending since 2015.
They have stopped calling and mailing me.
Since citibank has stopped its operations in India and its also been more than 7 years. Will I still have to pay the credit card bill.
Please suggest
Even when the provider is not contacting you currently, you must understand that a bill default on your credit card is reported to the credit bureau within a few months of the default. In that case, your credit default must have been already recorded in your credit history and report which will impact your ability to avail loans and credit cards in the future. We advise you to contact Citi Bank at their customer care number-1860 210 2484 to get more clarity on whether you would be required to clear the dues and the amount that you might need to pay.
You may also contact Axis Bank regarding this, as they have overtaken Citi Bank’s consumer banking services in India currently. Axis Bank Customer Care Number: 1860 419 5555.
I haven’t pay the amount of credit card due to that lockdown and lost my job. And unable to pay bills. Now i get a job and ready to pay the bills is there any minimum amount that can i strt with
Hi Varinder,
To avoid paying further interest on your credit card dues, you must pay the total dues in full. However, if you are not able to pay the full amount, you can start with the minimum amount due or any amount between the minimum due and total due. The more dues you pay off, the less interest charges you will have to bear.