Your credit score is one of the biggest indicators of your financial health. Unfortunately, awareness around the concept of credit score and the critical importance it holds in one’s life is low in India. Even those who know about Credit Scores often ignore or undermine them. Your Credit Score represents your financial trustworthiness and it is one of the major factors that banks look at when you apply for a loan or a credit card. A strong credit score should be maintained at all times so that you can borrow money in emergencies or when looking to meet one of your financial life goals like buying a home or a car. Hence, you must keep monitoring your Credit Score regularly.
Many times you would see a dip in your credit score, despite having paid your monthly EMIs and credit card bills in full, wondering what went wrong. While many are aware of the common factors that determine a high credit score, here are certain lesser-known factors that can lead your Credit Score to fall.