Sr No. | Description |
Fees |
1 | Joining Fees |
2 | Annual Fees | Nil | |
4 | Cash Advance Fees/ATM Withdrawal Fees | 2.5% of Cash Withdrawn or Rs. 250 (max of both) | |
5 | Interest-Free Period | Upto 50 days | |
6 | Statement Generation Date | 30th of every month* | |
7 | Bill Due date | 20 days after Statement Generation | |
8 | Late payment Charges (Levied if MIN DUE is not paid) | Total Amount Due | Fees |
Upto Rs.100 | Nil | ||
Between Rs.100 – Rs.1000 | Rs. 250 | ||
Between Rs.1000 – Rs.10000 | Rs. 500 | ||
Greater than Rs. 10,000 | Rs. 750 | ||
9 | Interest Charges (Levied if TOTAL DUE is not paid) | 3% per month | |
10 | Card Replacement Charges | Rs. 100 |
* Statement will be generated on 28th/29th in the month of February. GST is applicable on all fees, interest and charges.
- Joining Fees – This fees is charged when your credit card application is accepted. It is applicable only on FD of less than or equal to ₹5000. It is applied after the FD is booked and needs to be paid in the first billing month only. Joining fees is not charged on doing a topup.
- Cash Advance Fees – Charged at the time of withdrawing cash from the Rs. 250 or 2.5% of the cash withdrawal will be charged (maximum of both).
- Interest Rate – Charged when you carry a balance from one billing period to the In other words, if you don’t pay your monthly bills fully by the due date, you’ll be charged interest on the unpaid amount. 3% Interest Rate is charged on the unpaid amount.
- Late Payment Charges – Levied when someone fails to make the minimum required payment by the due date e the Minimum Amount Due. Depending on the amount due different amount is levied.
- Interest-Free Period – Period of time during which you are not charged interest on your credit card For example, if you make any purchase from the 1st to the 30th of every month then you will get additional 20 days after the statement generation date to pay your dues i.e, you will have to pay till the 19th of next month.
- Bill Due Date – The date up to which complete bill payment should be made to avoid any extra charges.
- Total Amount Due – The net amount that needs to be paid for replenishing the full credit.
- Minimum Amount Due – The minimum amount that needs to be paid to avoid late payment charges.
Timely Payment of your monthly bills helps in building credit score.