Credit cards have become quite common, nowadays. But with increased use of credit cards, frauds are also rising. This is why it is extremely important to fill all the information regarding the credit card properly. Details should also be updated properly so that there can be smooth communication and transparency between the bank and the customer. Information like name, the address of the cardholder, date of the birth of the cardholder etc. are all important information need to be disclosed by the cardholder to the bank. Any changes in this information should be intimated to the bank immediately. Changes in some information can be done online and for some information, e cardholder needs to visit the nearest branch for updating it.
Let us discuss how you can change address in HDFC credit card online:
Step 1: First of all the cardholder will have to login into the bank’s portal by using his registered user name and password.
Step 2: After login, the cardholder needs to find out the contact detail option on the website, which is situated on the menu and then click on it. After this, he should select the “update address” option.
Step3: Now the list of acceptable address proof documents will come on the screen. The cardholder will now have to select the type of address proof, scan the copy of the address proof which should be self-attested. He should then click on the ‘Continue’ button on the screen and then ‘Add and Upload’ the document.
Step 4: After the document is uploaded, the cardholder needs to verify the details.
Once the document is verified the new address is updated automatically.
This was the step-by-step process for online change of address. One can also download the form for address change from the bank’s website and fill the details in the printed form. Along with the form, the cardholder should also attach the necessary self-attested copy of address proof document and finally courier it to any of the nearest bank’s branch.
The cardholder can even visit the nearest branch with the necessary documents in original. There he will have to fill the form for address change and verify the original documents for the change of address.
There are few points that one needs to keep in mind while initiating a change of address in HDFC credit card:
- It takes 7 working days to make the necessary changes after receiving the complete documented request for a change in address.
- Both the holders in a joint account will have to fill two separate forms.
- Update status is reflected on the bank website login portal under the heading “my contact details”.
- One can also contact phone banking for any further details, where the cardholder needs to give certain details like name of the branch where the request was submitted, date of submission and the new address along with the pin code.
The overall process is very simple and convenient for the cardholder and can be done online from the comfort of one’s home or office.