Swiggy promotes the card, saying one can earn cashback of up to Rs. 42,000 per year—little doubt, a significant amount. But you should note that to earn Rs. 42,000 yearly or Rs. 3,500 of monthly cashback (Rs. 1,500 on Swiggy platforms + Rs. 1,500 on other online platforms + Rs. 500 on others), you would have to spend Rs. 90,000 (Rs. 15,000 on Swiggy platforms, Rs. 30,000 on other online platforms + Rs. 50,000 on other spends) through the Swiggy HDFC Card. If you are spending almost a lakh every month, our view is you should consider more premium cards. But if reaching the capped cashback limits is not your goal, then this card can be considered as it gives significant cashback savings. Also, due to the capping on category-wise cashback, one can only earn Rs. 3,500 cashback in a month, which may be too low to attract certain consumers.