Disclaimer: Dhani Loans and Services is not a Paisabazaar partner for personal loans and all content herein is strictly informative in nature. Paisabazaar is not affiliated with, sponsored by or in any way connected to Dhani Loans and Services for personal loans. No offers/services from Dhani Loans and Services are being provided by Paisabazaar for personal loans. For further information about Dhani Loans and Services for personal loans, users are required to reach out directly to Dhani Loans and Services.
Dhani Loans and Services (formerly Indiabulls Consumer Finance Limited)
Helpline Number: 0124-6555-555 (Timings 8:00 am to 8:00 pm)
Email: support@dhani.com
Registered Office
1/1 E, First Floor, East Patel Nagar,
New Delhi – 110008
Last updated on 22 November 2024

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Grievance Redressal
First Level
The existing customers of Dhani Personal Loan can call, visit, or write to the nearest branch of DLSL or send an email at support@dhani.com
Second Level
If a customer does not receive a response within 7 working days, the same can be lodged through the customer helpline number mentioned below:
Dhani Loans 0124-6555-555
The concerned customer can also send an email to grievance@dhani.com
Third Level
If the customer is not satisfied with the solution provided within 15 working days, the customer can contact the bank’s principal nodal officer at:
Mr. Sanjeev Kashyap (Principal Nodal Officer)
Dhani Loans and Services Limited,
Plot No. 108, 5th Floor, Udyog Vihar, Phase-1, Gurugram – 122016
Phone: 0120-6977800
Email: nodal@dhani.com

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Fourth Level
As per the “INTEGRATED OMBUDSMAN SCHEME, 2021” issued by the RBI on 12 November 2021 and updations thereof, if any complaints are not redressed satisfactorily within 30 days, the concerned customer can submit a complaint online on the portal: https://cms.rbi.org.in
The complaint can also be submitted electronically or in physical mode to the Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre in the following ways –
Electronic Mode
Email ID – crpc@rbi.org.in
Postal Address
Centralised Receipt and Processing Centre,
Reserve Bank of India,
4th Floor, Sector 17,
Chandigarh – 160017
Toll-free number: 14448 (for enquiry)