Karur Vysya Bank customer care services offer ample options to its customers in case they need any assistance or want resolution of their grievances. These customer care facilities can be availed through SMS, missed call, or writing to the bank. Customers of Karur Vysya Bank can call the helpline number of the bank and avail whatever facilities they want and from wherever they want.
Customers having savings account, current account, personal loan, credit card and other financial instruments in the bank can avail KVB customer care facilities of these accounts just by sitting at home. Let us discuss in detail the services offered by the bank to its customers.
Karur Vysya Bank Customer Care Number
Karur Vysya Bank customers can call on the below-mentioned numbers to get their queries resolved.
Domestic customers can call on the mentioned helpline to get their queries resolved.
1860 258 1916 (Local charges applicable)
International customers can call on the mentioned helpline to get their queries resolved.
+91 44 – 66217600
Please note that charges may apply when customers call on the international number.

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Karur Vysya Bank Missed Call Banking
To know the balance and transactions in their KVB savings accounts, the customers of the bank can give a missed call on the below-mentioned numbers:
- To know the balance in your account, give a missed call on 09266292666from the registered mobile number. You will receive an SMS showing the current balance in your account.
- To know the last three transactions that occurred in your account, give a missed call on 09266292665 from your registered mobile number.
- To know your customer ID, give a missed call on 08882101234 from your registered mobile number. You will receive your customer ID through an SMS.
- If customers want to block their UPI services, they can give a missed call on 08750682682from the registered mobile number. An SMS regarding successful hot listing is sent on the registered mobile number.
Karur Vysya Bank Customer Care Email ID
Karur Vysya Bank customers can also lodge their complaints on the provided email id:
Karur Vysya Bank SMS Banking
Customers of Karur Vysya Bank can use the below-mentioned format for the type of query they want to know about.
Type of Query | SMS Format |
Debit card hot listing | KVBCARD<>last four digits of your debit card <>BLOCK to 56161 or 9244770000 |
To register for KVB at mobile facility | KVBREG to 56161 or 9244770000 |
Balance enquiry | KVBBAL to 56161 or 9244770000 |
Transaction enquiry | KVBTXN to 56161 or 9244770000 |
Request to stop the payment for a cheque | KVBCHQ to 56161 or 9244770000 |
Term deposit enquiry | KVBTDQ to 56161 or 9244770000 |
Change default account number | KBVACC to 56161 or 9244770000 |
Help (to get a list of keywords) | KVBHLP to 56161 or 9244770000 |
Activation of e-statement | KBVESTAT<>last four digits of a/c number<>REG to 56161 or 9244770000 |
De-activation of e-statement | KVBESTAT<> last four digits of a/c number<>DEREG to 56161 or 9244770000 |
Karur Vysya Bank Grievance Redressal
If customers are not satisfied with the provided response through call, SMS banking and mobile banking, they can escalate the issue and write to the grievance redressal team of the bank.
For Grievance related to Corporate Credit Card
24 hours helpline numbers: 1800 419 6500, 022 – 40426031
E-mail: customersupport@kvbmail.com
Credit Card Cell,
338/1, Uffizi Building – First Floor,
Avinashi Road,
Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, 641004

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For Lost or Stolen Debit Card
Helpline number: 1860 258 1916 (local charges are applicable)
E-mail: customersupport@kvbmail.com
Grievance related to FasTag
Helpline number: 1860 258 1916 (local charges are applicable)
E-mail: customersupport@kvbmail.com
Q. What are the options to hotlist a debit card in Karur Vysya Bank?
Ans. For hot listing your debit card, you can call on 24-hours helpline number of the bank at 1860 258 1916. Other options to hot list your debit card in the bank can be done through ‘KVB DLite’ mobile application and ‘KVB e-book’ application provided by Karur Vysya Bank. You can also reach to the nearby KVB branches to hot list or block your debit card.
Q. Who should I contact if there is a delay in non-credit to my beneficiary account?
Ans. If the amount has been debited from your account and the transaction got failed, you can contact customersupport@kvbmail.com, neftcfc@kvbmail.com with your customer id.
Q. What are the SMS banking charges for customer care services in Karur Vysya Bank?
Ans. The bank’s SMS charges are Rs. 0.25 paise per SMS plus GST for the entire quarter. These charges are waived for the first quarter when you open a new account.
Q. How can I report a fraudulent transaction in Karur Vysya Bank?
Ans. To report a fraudulent transaction, you may contact your home branch or call on the bank’s helpline number 1860 258 1916.
Q. How many transactions will I get if I check through missed call banking facility in Karur Vysya Bank?
Ans. You will receive last three transactions incurred in your account through missed call facility in Karur Vysya Bank.