The full form of TAN is Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number. TAN is a 10-digit alphanumeric code issued by the Income Tax Department. The first four digits are alphabets, the next five digits are numeric and the tenth digit is again an alphabet. TAN has to be obtained by all the people who are responsible for deducting tax at source (TDS) or the person who is responsible to collect tax at source (TCS). TAN verification can be used to verify if your TDS amount was deducted by the right person. Read on to find out more details relating to TAN verification by name and number, common queries relating to TAN verification and more.

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Online TAN Verification Process
TAN deduction/collection account can be identified with the Tax deduction /collection account number (TAN). People who are regulating deduction or collection of tax on payments are required to know their tax deduction/collection account number (TAN). The Income Tax Department has an online facility called ‘’Know Your TAN’’ through which a person can check the TAN details with the help of the company’s name or TAN. The process of verification is easy and simple.
TAN Verification by Name
Given below are the key steps to verify TAN using the name of the deductor:
- Visit the income tax e-Filing portal
- Click on “Know TAN Details” listed under the “Quick Links” section
- If you choose to verify TAN using your name, choose the category of deductor, enter the name of the deductor, select state and enter your mobile number
- Click on “Continue” to receive an OTP on the mobile number that you have entered
- Enter the OTP and click on “Validate” button to view the TAN details
A screen will appear containing your TAN details/TAN verification status. It will show the details such as TAN number, Name of the deductor, category of the deductor, PAN (Permanent Account Number), Status, area code, contact details, range code, AO type, AO number, AO description along with the address.
TAN Verification by Number
Given below are the steps for verifying TAN by number:
- Go to the income tax e-Filing portal
- Under the “Quick Links” section, click on “Know TAN Details”
- If you choose to verify TAN using number, select the category of deductor, enter the TAN of the deductor, select state and enter the mobile number
- Click on “Continue” to receive an OTP on the mobile number that you have entered
- Enter the OTP and click on “Validate” button to view the TAN detail

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FAQs on TAN Verification
Q. What will happen in case someone deducts TDS without a TAN?
TAN is needed in all cases of TDS. TAN must be quoted in all communications of the Income Tax department. In case they do not possess a TAN, they will be liable to pay a fine of Rs. 10,000. Moreover, any TDS returns and payments will not be received by banks if TAN is missing.
Q. Is it possible to check the TAN of the person who deducted TDS from my payment?
Yes, it is possible to verify the TAN of anyone who deducts TDS. You can simply use their TAN or their full name. It is a good idea to verify TDS deductions from your payment to ensure it was rightfully and legally done.
Read more on TDS or Tax Deducted at Source
Q. I possess a PAN card. Do I also need to have a TAN or can I just quote my PAN?
PAN and TAN cannot be used interchangeably. Both of them serve different purposes. PAN identifies the individual for taxation purposes, contains all the relevant financial data of the individual and is also required for different financial activities such opening a bank account, investing in financial instruments, etc. whereas, TAN is meant for people who are responsible for deducting tax at source (TDS) or to collect tax at source (TCS) on behalf of the IT department.
Q. How can I get a TAN?
You can apply for TAN both online and offline. To apply online fill and submit Form 49B available on the Protean (formerly NSDL eGov) TIN website. For offline application, fill up Form 49B and submit it at any TIN-FC centre.
Q. Do I have to be a registered user on the e-Filing portal to use the “Know TAN Details” service?
No. both registered and unregistered users can use this service. It can be accessed pre-login from the e-Filing portal homepage by clicking “Know TAN Details”.
Q. What will happen in case my employer does not have a TAN?
The employer will be liable to pay a penalty under the relevant section of the Income Tax Act, 1961 for failing to obtain and/or quote TAN. Moreover, the employer will not be able to deposit TDS (if deducted) and neither will be able to file TDS statement for the same. In case your salary is in a taxable bracket and your TDS has not been deducted by your employer, you may have to pay self-assessment tax and/or advance tax (as applicable).
Q. Can I have more than one TAN?
A deductor can have only one Tax deduction/ collection account number for one category. Having more than one TAN is considered illegal.