Disclaimer: MoneyTap is not a Paisabazaar partner and all content herein is strictly informative in nature. Paisabazaar is not affiliated with, sponsored by or in any way connected to MoneyTap for personal loans. No offers/services from MoneyTap are being provided by Paisabazaar for personal loans. For further information about MoneyTap for personal loans, users are required to reach out directly to MoneyTap.
MoneyTap Personal Loan Customer Care
Email: hello@moneytap.com
Customer Grievance Redressal
Level 1: Grievance redressal system
The existing customers of Moneytap Personal loan can register complaints in any of the below-mentioned channels.
- Emails: Customers can send an e-mail to hello@moneytap.com
- Office: Customers can also visit the registered office for registration of complaints in the register:
Registered Office address:
G-405, 4th Floor – Gamma Block, Sigma
Soft Tech Park Varthur,
Kodi Whitefield Post, Bangalore 560066
- Submit complaints on social media channels
- Complaint calls or emails or messages to the employees
A unique reference number will be assigned to the customers against each complaint, which will be communicated to the respective customer within two working days along with an appropriate turnaround time. MoneyTap claims to address customer complaints within five days.

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Level 2: Grievance Redressal Officer
If the complaint addressed is unsatisfactory, the concerned customer can escalate the complaint to the Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) whose details are mentioned below:
Designation Grievance Redressal Officer
Name Anjali Panwar
Email id: anjali@moneytap.com
G-405,4th Floor – Gamma Block, Sigma Soft Tech Park Varthur,
Kodi Whitefield Post, Bangalore 560066
MoneyTap claims to address the complaints within 15 days of receipt of the complaint or grievance.
Resolution timelines:
Maximum time taken by the company for the resolution process:
- General complaints: 3 to 14 days;
- Other complaints like legal cases, suspected fraud, etc: 5-30 days; and
- Cases involving third party / other teams: 5-30 days
Further, the company will inform the customer in case a complaint requires more time along with the reason for the delay and the additional time required for resolution.
Last updated on 20 February 2024

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Q1. What are the different ways to get in touch with MoneyTap in case I have queries relating to personal loans?
Customers can get in touch with the lender via email sent to hello@moneytap.com along with applicable details such as loan account number, etc. You can also get in touch with the lender via social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube or Instagram. However, sending any personal data through the social media channels is not recommended as the data might not be secure once shared through social media.
Q2. What are the different services that can be availed by contacting the lender’s customer care?
You can get in touch with the lender’s customer care to make personal loan related inquiries, to file complaints, to give feedback/compliments, etc.
Q3. Can I change/update the email id or mobile number registered with the company?
Yes, customers can update/change the email ID or mobile number registered with their MoneyTap account. To do so, they may contact the customer care by sending an email to hello@moneytap.com
Q4. Should I contact the customer care in case I change my phone number?
MoneyTap mandatorily requires you to contact the customer care department at hello@moneytap.com in case you change your phone number. This is an important security requirement as your funds are tied to your phone number along with KYC details. Failure to do this in a timely manner can lead to a delay in your loan application/approval.
Q5. Is it possible to apply for a personal loan from MoneyTap by physically visiting the company’s branch office?
No, customers can only apply for a personal loan from MoneyTap online. They can either do so by visiting the company’s website or through the MoneyTap mobile app.
Q6. How can I keep track of my personal loan from MoneyTap?
Customers can keep track of their personal loan by logging into the lender’s online portal or by using the MoneyTap mobile app. Your current loan details including outstanding amount, last payment, next due payment etc. can be accessed online after you have logged in.