Tata Capital Personal Loan Customer Care Number
1860 267 6060
Between 9 AM to 8 PM on Monday to Saturday (closed on Sundays and public holidays)
Grievance Redressal
Existing Tata Capital Personal Loan borrowers who are not happy with the lender’s services can register their complaints or give their feedback using the below-mentioned escalation matrix:
Level 1
Tata Capital Personal Loan customers who are not satisfied with services provided by the lender can either call on the customer care number mentioned above or write to the following email id to register their grievance:
Email id: customercare@tatacapital.com

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Level 2 – Customer Redressal Officer
Personal loan customers who are not happy with the complaint resolution provided at Level 1 can submit their complaint number and the details of their complaint online on the Customer Grievances page of the website. This will escalate the matter to the Customer Redressal Officer.
They can also get in touch with the Grievance Redressal Officer Ms. Francyna Dias through the below mentioned email id and contact number:
Email id: SeniorCRORetail@tatacapital.com
Phone: 022 6107 0461
Level 3 – Principal Nodal Officer
Existing personal loan borrowers who are not satisfied with the resolution offered by the lender both at Level 1 and 2 can submit their complaint number and details on the Customer Grievances section of the lender’s website. This will escalate the matter to the Chief Customer Redressal Officer Mr Rajesh Kumar, whose contact details are as follows:
Mr. Rajesh Kumar
Principal Nodal Officer
Email id: CCRO@tatacapital.com
Phone: 022 6107 0462

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Level 4 – Ombudsman at RBI
If you are dissatisfied with the resolution provided by Tata Capital Limited through the above-mentioned escalation matrix, you can approach the RBI Ombudsman through the following link: https://cms.rbi.org.in/cms/indexpage.html#eng
Note: Last checked on 1st April 2024