Affected by how the girl child is treated in the society, the Haryana Government came up with the Ladli scheme to focus on the enhancement of mindset of the society. The scheme aims to bring changes in the attitude of people towards girl children, while eliminating cases of female foeticide.
The scheme offers Rs.5,000 per year for a time period of 5 years as financial incentive to all the residential parents of Haryana whose second girl child is born after 20 August 2005.

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What is the Ladli Scheme?
Considering the increase in the number of female foeticide in the country, there has been a dire need to realize the fact that the status of the girl child in the family must be raised and later, maintained.
The states of Haryana and Punjab lead these numbers, hence, the government of these states decided to promote a change in mindsets of people in the state. The Ladli Scheme was launched in both the urban and rural state of Haryana to achieve the objective.
Objectives of Ladli Scheme
The objective of the Ladli scheme is to raise the status of the girl child in the family and in the Indian society, as a whole. Launched by the Government of Haryana, in the year 2005, the Ladli Scheme aims to fight against female foeticide and promote proper rearing of the girl children, while also providing them the right to birth and survival. It also seeks to improve the declining sex ratio of females and increase the number of girls in the families.
Eligibility Criteria for the scheme
In order to be eligible and avail the benefits of the Ladli scheme, you need to meet the following conditions-
- All parents should be residents of Haryana or have Haryana domicile to be entitled to the financial incentives offered by the Haryana government. Along with this, there should also be at least 1 alive sister in the family and at least one of the parents should be residing with the girl children in Haryana.
- Birth of both the girl children should be registered and the parents should ensure proper immunization of the girl children, which should later be produced at the time of receiving each payment.
- There should also be at least 1 living sister in the family and at least one of the parents should be residing with the girl children in Haryana
- Both the girl children should be enrolled in a school or Anganwadi, depending upon their age
How to Apply for the Ladli Scheme?
To obtain benefits under the Ladli scheme, the mother/father or guardian of the girl children should apply on the prescribed proforma, available at the Anganwadi Centres or in the offices of Child Development Project Officers in the rural and urban areas free of cost. The filled application form should be submitted within the Anganwadi Workers and Health staff of the concerned areas.
Documents Required
Following documents must be presented at the time of application of the Ladli scheme-
- The eligible applicants are required to submit a certified copy of the birth certificate of the second girl child issued by the relevant authority along with the application form.
- The most recent immunization document along with past immunization records of both the girl children should be presented at the time of receiving each payment
How to Claim Maturity under the Ladli Scheme
- The girls registered under the Ladli scheme are eligible to claim the maturity of their scheme either after passing 10th standard and attaining 18 years of age or after passing 12th standard
- The girl students must submit an application along with the following documents-
- Acknowledgement letter received from SBIL
- Residential Address
- Marksheet of 10th or 12th (whichever is applicable)
- Copy of the Bank Passbook displaying the bank account number
- Mobile/Landline number
- The beneficiary must open a Zero Balance Saving Account with the State Bank of India (This can be done by showing the acknowledgement letter received from the bank)
- After the verification of these documents, the money will be transferred to a Unique ID number in the name of the beneficiary girl
Financial Incentives offered under the Ladli Scheme
Under this scheme, all the residential parents of Haryana will be offered a financial incentive of Rs. 5,000 per year upto 5 years and whose second girl child is born after August 20, 2005, irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, income or the number of sons. This amount will be invested in Kisan Vikas Patras in the joint name of the mother (or father, if the mother is not alive) and the second girl child.
In cases where twin daughters are born, the first installment will be given within the first month of birth of the second girl child. The remaining installments will be given on the birthday of the second daughter, every year. However, in case of death of either of the girls, the incentive will stop with immediate effect.

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Ques: Where can I check the status of my application under the Ladli Scheme?
Ans: You can check the status of your application under the scheme by visiting the online portal here.
Ques: How can I contact the bank for queries?
Ans: You can reach out to the State Bank of India on their Toll Free Number- 1800229090. You can also contact the officials from Delhi under the Ladli Scheme at 011-2338189.
Ques: Where can I find the application form for the scheme?
Ans: You can download the application form for the Ladli scheme here.
Ques: Who manages the Ladli Scheme?
Ans: The State Bank Life Insurance Co. Ltd is the fund manager of this scheme.