The latest offering —SBI Quick – by State Bank of India allows customers to use their mobile phones for simple banking services. Customers can check balance or receive mini statements of last five transactions through their mobile phones.
SBI customers with Saving Bank/Current Account/Over Draft/Credit Card accounts can register for SBI Quick using the mobile number already present in the bank’s records. To sign up for the service:
- Send an SMS REG<space>account number to 9223488888
- Call 9223766666 or send SMS ‘BAL’ for checking account balance.
- Call 9223866666 or send SMS ‘MSTMT’ for mini statements.
Other features of SBI Quick include the facility to block ATM Card by sending SMS BLOCK<space>xxxx to 567676 (here xxxx represent the last 4 digits of the card number). For help, SMS HELP to 9223588888.