SBI Mutual Fund Initiates Dual Advantage Fund Series-XXX NFO

What is CRISIL Rating?

DHFL Pramerica Announces Merger of 4 Schemes

Interval Funds: Know Types, Features & Taxation
Table of Contents : What is Interval Fund? Interval Fund vs Close-ended Fund Interval Fund vs Fixed Maturity Plan Features Who Should Invest? Taxation of Interval Funds List of Top Mutual Funds to Invest In An interval fund is a type of mutual fund, the units of which can be purchased and sold/redeemed only…

Is There an Exemption from Capital Gains on Debt Funds?
Selling your funds at a profit brings along the liability of payment of capital gains tax. If your holding period is 3 years or less, the earnings are characterized by short term capital gains (STCG), in which case no exemption on tax is granted. However, if your holding period is more than 3 years, the gains…

Growth vs Dividend – Which is a Better Mutual Fund Option?
Every mutual fund scheme comes in two types of plans – growth and dividend. The growth option gives returns in the form of rising values of mutual fund units. Whereas, under the dividend option returns are paid via periodic dividends. Types of Mutual Fund Dividend Plans The dividend plan of a mutual fund scheme is…

How To Calculate Mutual Fund Returns in Percentage? – Know Formula with Example
Absolute Returns Absolute Return of a mutual fund refers to the amount of total change in the value of a mutual fund investment at the time of redemption. For example, Mr. A invests Rs. 1 lakh in a mutual fund scheme in January 2016. The value of the mutual fund invests stands at Rs. 1.3…

SBI Equity Minimum Variance Fund NFO Initiated